Chronic Kidney Failure (What it is)

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that filter blood, removing wastes, toxins, and excess fluids through urine. If your kidneys are damaged and cannot perform this task effectively, these waste, toxins and excess fluids build up in the body, makes you sick and can be fatal if not treated. The body can function adequately with one kidney once that kidney functions properly.

Chronic Kidney disease or renal failure occurs when one or both of the kidneys are unable to perform their duties adequately. You are at risk of developing chronic kidney disease or renal failure if you have chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or other problem with the heart. You are also at risk for kidney disease if you are obese or have a high body mass index, have a family history of kidney disease, if you are over the age of 60 and if you smoke. There are other conditions that can also lead to kidney damage such as, lupus, enlarged prostate and kidney stones.

Early diagnosis and treatment of chronic kidney disease can help slow the progression from mild damage which is stages 1 and 2, to severe damage of the kidneys which is stages 3 to 5, that can lead to kidney failure which is fatal without dialysis or transplant. The first two stages of kidney failure may not present symptoms as in stage 1 the kidneys are still filtering at a high level with mild damage, while in stage 2 the filtration rate is decreased but still, may not be significant enough to produce symptoms. If you do experience symptoms, they may be nonspecific such as swollen hands, feet, frequent need to urinate especially at night, and blood in urine. Managing conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure are important at these two stages.

Stage 3 chronic kidney disease presents with a mild-to-moderate decrease in kidney function, this is when the kidney is not able to filter fluids, waste, and toxins as it used to, causing them to build up in the body. This is most often the stage when people are diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. Symptoms include persistent itching, back pain, urinating more or less than usual, problems sleeping, and tiredness. Implementing a kidney specific diet and nutrition plan at this stage can help to reduce symptoms and slow disease progression. This plan normally includes reducing the intake of sodium and protein and may include adjustments in potassium based on your blood levels.

In stage 4, there is severe decrease in the kidneys’ ability to filter, and the buildup of waste, toxins, and fluids in the body is increased. The diet plan will remain with control of protein, and sodium; adjustments of potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, will be suggested by your doctor and nutritionist; regular testing will allow better dietary monitoring and timely adjustments of diet and medications. Your intake of fluids may be limited if you are retaining fluids. Medications and dietary management can help in delaying the progression to stage 5, which is End Stage Kidney Disease, with very little kidney function left or kidney failure. Dialysis or transplant will become necessary as a means of clearing waste and extra fluids from your body.

An early diagnosis of Kidney or renal disease can be done through urine and blood tests. These tests can check if you are losing protein in your urine and an estimated glomerular filtration rate test is a blood test that checks how well the kidneys are filtering. It is important to get annual general medical check-ups to monitor the function of the body’s organs, even if you are feeling well.


1 lb. Cassava – grated
1 coconut – grated
½ cup. Cassava flour
1 cup Brown sugar.
¾ cup. Coconut oil
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp, Mixed Essence
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp. ginger powder
1 tbsp. butter (to grease)


Grease 2 loaf baking pans with the butter and flour. Preheat the oven to 350 F.

In a bowl, combine all the liquid ingredients and the eggs, add sugar, and beat for 5 to 6 minutes.

In another bowl, combine the dry ingredients, mix well.

Add the dry ingredients to the previously beaten egg mixture, mix gently until you obtain a smooth mixture. Pour the mixture into the loaf baking pans. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until a wooden stick is inserted and it comes out dry.


It is advisable to squeeze the cassava with a cloth to remove some of the liquid.


World Food Day Recipe – 2023


3 cups of watermelon peels  
¾ cup. Sugar
1 tbsp. lemon / orange juice
½ tsp. ginger
1/2tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp mixed essence


When choosing which watermelon, you are going to buy, select the one that has a thicker white part. As you eat the fruit, keep the peels in the refrigerator. Once you have the necessary amount, start by removing the green part of the skin.

Cut the peels into pieces that are about a centimeter long by 2 millimeters wide. Doing it with the potato peel speeds up this part of the process. Place the cut peels in a large pot with water and add all the sugar.

Let stand, while you squeeze the orange or lemon.
If it is the orange, add both the juice and pulp and also a small piece of grated skin.
If it is the lemon, add only the juice to the pot.

After this turn on the stove and once it starts to boil, mix with a wooden spoon every 10 minutes for about 50 minutes. Pour the contents into a blender, do not blend it too smoothly.  Pour it back into the pot on a very low heat and add the mixed essence and spices, cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Or until get the desired texture.

Finally, pour into previously sterilized jars, while the candy is still hot.


The amount of sugar you use should be calculated according to the weight of the watermelon peels you have. Always ensure the number of peels is twice times the amount of sugar used.

Depending on your tastes, you can add a little more orange or lemon, so that the acid has a lot of presence in the final flavor.

Remember to sterilize the jars and vacuum pack them so that the candy lasts longer in the refrigerator. You can sterilize the jars by boiling them in water for half an hour. Put pieces of cloth between them so that they do not break when they collide with each other while boiling.

World Food Day Recipe – 2023


For the stuffing
1lb 10oz cucumber – cut into 2.5cm/1inch slices
2 tbsp. corn flour
225g cooked chicken – minced
1 egg white
1 ½ tbsp. spring onions – Chopped
1 tbsp. fresh ginger – Chopped
2 tbsp. orange juice
2 tbsp. molasses
2 tsp white sugar
1 tsp oil

For the sauce
300ml chicken stock
2 tbsp. tomato sauce
2 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. mustard
2 tsp sugar
1tsp corn flour mixed with 2 tsp water

For the garnish
2 tsp coconut oil
2 tbsp. Dry oregano or chopped parsley


Using a small sharp knife slice cucumbers in half (down the middle), then remove the seeds and fleshy pulp from the center of each cucumber slice. Further hollow the cucumber with a teaspoon so that you have tubes with a roughly 5mm shell. Lightly dust the hollow interiors of the slices with the corn flour.

Mix all the stuffing ingredients together in a bowl with 1 tsp salt and pepper and sauté in a frying pot, then mix all the sauce ingredients together in a bowl and pour into the pot and cook for 3 minutes. Stuff each cucumber tube with the sautéed mixture.

If you desire heat in a frying pot the stuff cucumber for 2 minuets or you can place in greased baking pan and bake for 20 minutes.

Garnish with coconut oil and oregano/parsley mixture.


I prefer to serve it without baking or cooking it as cooking the cucumbers may make it soggy.

World Food Day Recipe – 2023


1 avocado – peeled and slice
½ lime – juiced
1 tsp salt
1 seasoning pepper – chopped
1 tbsp. diced onion
1 tbsp. oil
1 tbsp. fresh cilantro or celery – chopped
1 garlic – minced
1 pinch ground cayenne pepper (Optional)
Small leaves – big thyme


Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Serve with desired sides.

World Food Day Recipe – 2023