Nutrition and Menstruation

Having a healthy and pain free menstrual cycle may depend allot on the types of foods you consume and when you consume them and your mental and physical well-being. There are several foods that can be added to the diet strategically to assist with managing the challenges faced during the menstrual cycle.  

Every woman faces different challenges with menstruation; however, each woman is faced with the challenge of retaining iron during this time. According to the university of Edinburgh’s Centre for Reproductive Health, “Iron is an important mineral that helps the body carry out several different functions (including helping our muscles, brain, immune system) and it is found in the red blood cells means that each month, there is a loss of iron through menstrual blood”. Incorporating foods that are rich in iron into the diet can help solve this problem. Research also states that “women and girls over the age of 11 need 14.8 mg of iron per day”. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables which are natural sources of vitamin C will help the body to absorb the iron consumed from beans and peas, nuts, and dried fruits; meat, liver, and red meat contain iron that is readily absorbed by the body. 

Women should include whole grains, lean protein, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and legumes into their eating plans. A variety of herbs and spices can also be used before and during the cycle to help with pain and discomfort. These include fennel seeds which may help relieve pain and decrease bleeding length, cinnamon, sage and cummin which all may lessen cramping and flow, ginger which can help to relieve menstrual pain, nausea, and bloating and turmeric which can help with PMS symptoms. Dark chocolate which contains 70% or more cocoa can also be consumed during the cycle to help with discomfort and a nutrient boost as it is full of antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients like iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. 

It is important to avoid foods that are highly or moderately processed or prepackaged such as processed meats, snacks, sweets, fast food and fried foods and alcohol.  You can find Information like these and other topics on our Facebook @Grenada Food & Nutrition Council, TikTok @gfnc473 and Instagram @gfnc_gd

The Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a fruit within the squash family which is filled with nutrients and minerals and is very high in fiber. 

The pumpkin can be classified as a fruit; however, because of its nutritional content it is classified as a vegetable among food groups.  Pumpkin is a very versatile food that can be made into a variety of dishes including soups, stews, cakes, and confectionaries and can be steamed or paired with other vegetables and meats. This squash is loaded with vitamins A, K, C, B6 and E, antioxidants, potassium, copper and iron and other key Phyto-nutrients needed for a healthy body. 

Pumpkin is also loaded with beta carotene which is a provitamin used to make Vitamin A, an antioxidant and helps to keep the cells healthy. Eating pumpkin regularly can have great effects on the body. Pumpkin can help to boost the immune system and with its rich potassium content, can help to lower blood pressure; it helps improve eyesight and improves digestive health. It can also help to reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer. 

Follow social media for pumpkin recipes as well as more information on healthy foods. Visit our Face Book, instagram and TikTok @gfnc473. 

Sources and benefits of natural sugars

The sugars that are found in processed and manufactured foods are not the same as those in fresh fruits and vegetables and milk. Foods that contain naturally occurring sugars are healthier because they tend to be lower in calories and sodium, and have a high-water content which contains many important vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

Naturally occurring sugars are present in everyday foods like fruits and starchy vegetables, whole grain foods and minimally processed carbohydrates like brown rice and whole grain pasta and even milk products like yogurt and cheese. When consumed, naturally occurring sugars are not digested as quickly as refined and processed sugars. This reduces the likelihood of blood sugar spikes and drops.  Additionally, the “Center for Healthy Eating and Activity Research” states that fruits and dairy contain fructose and lactose which are natural sugars that are digested slower than added sugar and keeps your metabolism stable over time. Sugars found naturally in food are more than enough to sustain your body. Natural sugars are processed more slowly, meaning you will have a gradual supply of glucose keeping preventing your blood glucose level from rapidly dropping, resulting in feeling of hunger leading to excessive eating and weight gain.

When you choose to eat whole foods, you are choosing to eat healthier sources of sugars. Meals that include lean proteins with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, beans and seeds digest more slowly and keeps your blood glucose levels stable.

The cancer center advises to “Drink more water or lower-fat milk, limit your consumption of candy, chocolates, cakes, pies, pastries and cookies, limit sugary beverages such as soda, fruit punch, flavored milks and fruit drinks and learn to read food labels to help you make informed choices when purchasing foods.

Natural honey, molasses, unrefined maple syrup, fruits purees, dates and prunes and stevia are examples of healthier alternatives; they maintain more nutritional value and can be used in moderation can in the place of refined sugars.

Salt Reduction

Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, is the biggest source of sodium in our diets which when used in high amounts, can contribute to many health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Your sodium needs differ based on your age and health condition. General recommendations for adults and children 14 and over is 2000mg, which equals 1 teaspoon of salt daily. Foods that already have salt needs to be included in the 2000mg. The aim is to try to not go over your recommended daily sodium intake. 

Salt makes your body hold on to water. If you eat too much salt, the extra water stored in your body raises your blood pressure. This means the more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure. This puts a strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys and brain and can lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia and kidney disease.

When buying food, read food labels using this quick guide: 

  • A Low-sodium food has less than 140 milligrams per serving
  • Moderate-sodium food: less than 400 milligrams per serving, which is about ¼ teaspoon
  • High-sodium food: more than 400 milligrams per serving, which is more than ¼ teaspoon

Getting rid of a salt habit may not be easy but it’s not impossible. Start by training your taste buds to enjoy foods that are not salty. There are local, natural substitutes you can use for flavour. Try ginger, curry, onion, garlic, dried herbs such as bay leaves, rosemary, cinnamon or lemon. These can be used on meats, poultry, fish, vegetables, soups and salads. If you’re making a meat marinade for example, try orange or pineapple juice as a base instead of other packaged sauces found in supermarkets. Use less canned foods, but if you decide to use them; rinse before preparing to remove extra salt. The healthier choice would be fresh, frozen, no added salt or low sodium canned foods. Add less salt when cooking and don’t add salt to your food when eating. As you get used to the taste of food without salt, gradually lessen on the amount used when cooking. If you usually eat out, remember that some items like bread, cheese and some breakfast cereals may not taste salty but contain high amounts of sodium.

Liking salty foods is a learned taste so the key is to start with children. If they are trained with a diet that is low in salt, chances are they wont’s have a preference for salt and will grow to love the natural flavour of foods. Don’t add salt to food that is cooked for your baby. As your child starts eating the same food as the rest of the family, don’t add extra salt when cooking.

The aim is to reduce the amount of salt you eat as much as possible, not to keep an exact tally of the amount you eat. Just take the necessary steps to limit salt in your diet. Challenge yourself to cook without salt for two days a week at the beginning, then gradually increase the number of days. Instead, try seasoning and flavouring meals with local herbs and spices.

Natural Foods

The old saying “food is medicine” rings true. Natural foods are loaded with essential nutrients that help keep you healthy and better able to ward-off illness. Eating foods in their most natural form means that you’ll lower your risk of chronic non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and certain cancers. Natural means that the food is as close as possible to its natural state, unprocessed, free of chemical additives, artificial flavor or colour.

Unprocessed animal and plant foods provide the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for overall health. A perfect example is our local fruits, which when eaten natural, contain no added sugars but you will enjoy the benefits and taste of what is called “natural sugars”. Natural sugars are found in fruits as fructose and in dairy products, such as milk and cheese, as lactose. Eating excess amounts of added sugar can increase your risk for obesity, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Fruits in their natural form also have high water and fiber content. Water keeps you hydrated and consuming fiber through whole foods will boost digestive function, metabolic health and helps with proper bowel movement. Eating a diet high in fibrous plants and unprocessed animal foods, may help reduce blood sugar levels in people who have or are at risk for diabetes. Once your body adjusts to eating whole, unprocessed foods, cravings for sugary, fatty, processed foods could decrease.

Natural foods are rich in antioxidants that may protect your cells against free radicals, preventing damage to your body and lowering your risk of infection and disease. Antioxidants can be found be plant foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and legumes. Omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fats) can be found in natural animal foods such as salmon, herring and sardines. Avocados and nuts also contain healthy fats that helps fight inflammation and promote heart health.

Believe it or not, it is cheaper to eat natural, healthy foods instead of processed foods. This is because eating healthy improves your overall health and will lower your risk of chronic diseases. Therefore you may have to spend less money to treat preventable diseases like diabetes, obesity and hypertension.