Our Main Office
Upper Church Street, St. George's, Grenada

Local produce
The quality of food is higher. It’s no secret that locally-grown food tastes better.
Local products
Some of our local products include: Breadfruit Meal, Mango Ketchup, Mango Tortilla Chips & Avocado Ice cream
Expert nutrition counselling by a Registered/licensed Dietitian at our office at a cost of $50.00. Contact us to schedule an appointment Individual consultation is provided for many nutritional diseases and conditions.
Daycare and Preschool surveys, geriatric homes assessments , monitoring low birth-weight babies as well as working with vulnerable groups are important parts of this service.
Our Specialty includes; Breadfruit Meal Mango Ketchup Avocado Ice cream
Innovative methods are used to carryout trainings on the use of locally produced food crops, creation of value-added products and in making our traditional dishes healthier.
Food demonstrations are done at clinics, community events, schools, parent teacher association and new products displays at events such as World Food Day, and AgriBiz Expo
We can be there to support your event by bringing much needed information on nutrition and health to your staff. A healthier work force means better performance and greater productivity.
The Council engages in community events across Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, offering training in food preparation, food safety and nutrition topics.
Education sessions are offered at various public clinics throughout the State of Grenada, at community events and through video/taped online platforms. Additionally, education materials such as brochures are created using … Continue reading Nutrition Education
Every month Nutritionists visit clinics across in the various parishes and offer nutrition guidance to people for prevention and management of nutritional diseases.