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Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked question. We are constantly adding most asked question to this page.

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Answer: Foods to support a healthy baby are those rich in folate (green leafy vegetables, lentils), calcium (milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, sardines), vitamin D (sunshine and fish), and iron andprotein (lean meat, fish, beans, peas).

Pregnancy diet: Focus on these essential nutrients – Mayo Clinic

Answer: The Food and Drug Administration advises to avoid unpasteurized milk and cheeses and fish with highest mercury levels (shark, king mackerel, tuna-bigeye, swordfish, marlin

Advice About Eating Fish (October 2021) (fda.gov)

Answer: Your baby should begin eating pureed food at the age of six (6) months with continued breastfeeding until two (2) years of age. The introduction of food at this age will provide the necessary nutrients for the baby’s demand to grow well.
Sugar should never be added to a baby’s food or drink.

Complementary feeding (who.int)

Answer: Start at 6 months with pureed, mashed and semi-solid foods (sweet potato, banana, breadfruit), iron-rich foods (iron-fortified cereals, callaloo, lean meats, and, dry beans), and fruit in small quantities and increase as the baby gets older. Include a variety of foods one new food every 2 days to monitor acceptance and allergies.

Limit the amount of juice given to baby and avoid foods that may cause choking like popcorn, raw carrots and grapes.

Complementary feeding (who.int)

Answer: The sugar that is added to any food or drink and can be identified as the following words in the ingredients list “honey”, “sugar”, “syrup”, “glucose”, “fruit juice from concentrate”. This can also be termed free sugars.


Answer: The World Health Organization recommends that both children and adults limit free sugar intake to less than 10% of total daily calories and a further reduction to 5% of total daily calories. To the American Heart Association, that equates to maximum 9 teaspoons of added sugar for men and 6 teaspoons for women a day. Children should have less than 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day.

Added Sugars on the New Nutrition Facts Label | FDA
Daily Intake of Sugar — How Much Sugar Should You Eat Per Day? (healthline.com)
Added sugar in kids’ diets: How much is too much? | AAP News | American Academy of Pediatrics

Answer: We need salt to survive. Our body uses sodium (salt) to maintain fluid balance and nerve and cell functions.

Salt reduction (who.int)

Answer: The World Health Organization recommends a daily intake for the following groups:
– Children under two (2) years: no added salt
– Children 2 to 15 years: much less than one (1) teaspoon of salt
– Adults: less than 1 teaspoon of salt

This can help reduce blood pressure, lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and coronaryheart attack.

Salt intake (who.int)
Salt reduction (who.int)

Answer: The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine states that an adequate daily fluid intake for men is about 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) and about 11.5 cups (2.7 litres) for women. This fluid includes water, teas, juice and soups. Aim for the majority to be water. More water may be needed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, hot environment and sweating from physical activities.

Water: How much should you drink every day? – Mayo Clinic

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